Written evidence submission to the 2017 Natural Resources Wales review on shooting

ShootingIn February 2017, Natural Resources Wales began a review into the sustainability and environmental impact of shooting activities on its land, particularly its compliance with the Well-Being and Future Generations Act 2015 and welfare standards for any wildlife involved.

After spending more than 80 years researching and advising on game management and conservation across Britain, we support best practice-run shooting for four primary reasons:

  1. The habitat management undertaken on land managed for pheasants conserves and enhances woodland.
  2. The package of management, notably habitat enhancement along with predator control and supplementary feeding, contributes to the conservation of many other species, including some woodland birds that are in decline.
  3. This conservation of habitat and its wildlife may help to stem national declines, which have been driven by land-use change, predation pressure and climate change.
  4. This land use delivers high nature conservation value but is financed primarily by private investment. This alleviates the need for state-funded land management for conservation in these areas, providing income in place of expenditure. It also supports local communities economically, socially and culturally.