I want to take this opportunity to thank all 581 of you that responded to our survey on what gameshooting means for people in Wales and the countryside. We have now published our final report and you can download it here.
This is the first time that those involved in game shooting in Wales have put in their own words why it is so important in their lives. The report contains testimonies from 581 people and they have been collated and reviewed against the Wellbeing of future Generations Act. They reveal:
- Shooting is playing a crucial role in people's health and well being.
- Shooting brings together all ages and backgrounds with a shared passion for the outdoors in the bleakest months of the year.
- There seems to be a growing divide between rural and urban communities.
- They feel the passion felt towards the tradition/heritage, and the cultural/social benefits gained from rural pursuits goes largely unrecognised and underappreciated.
- Gameshooting inspires a huge amount of volunteer work to enhance wildlife and biodiversity.
- If shooting were banned or restricted it would have a devastating impact on individuals, communities and the environment.
Download Report >
Best wishes
Sue Evans
Director, GWCT Wales

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