14/4/2020 in: Uplands Blog under: Hen harrier/Grouse shooting
For many years, the GWCT and others have used a figure of 75% for the percentage of upland heather moorland found in the UK. Some have questioned the basis of that estimate and we discuss it here.
6/3/2020 in: Uplands Blog under: Hen harrier/Grouse shooting , Events
This week saw the 12th North of England Grouse Seminar in Harrogate, run by the GWCT’s Uplands Research Team. Almost 200 delegates with a wide variety of backgrounds gathered to listen to the most up-to-date science around moorland management.
13/2/2020 in: Uplands Blog under: Advice , Hen harrier/Grouse shooting
The GWCT Uplands Team are delighted to deliver an updated version of our medicated grit best practice guidelines.