12/3/2025 in: GWCT News Blog under: Fishing , GWCT in the media , GWCT Partners
More than 250 people from across the northern hemisphere gathered in London recently to call for urgent action to conserve, protect and restore the world’s wild salmon. Speakers from across the world delivered fascinating and insightful talks on a wide range of issues affecting both wild Atlantic and Pacific salmon and the people who depend on these species.
19/2/2025 in: GWCT News Blog under: GWCT in the media , Farming , Letters , Allerton Project
The suggestion that the solution to the “Nature Crisis” is through further SSSI designation is a flawed concept. Many of the existing SSSI sites are already not meeting their conservation objectives – simply adding more will not help.
21/1/2025 in: GWCT News Blog under: GWCT Partners , GWCT in the media
The newly launched Wensleydale & Swaledale Environmental Farmers (SWEF) Group has won a £100,000 National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) bid to fund the development of the group and its catchment-scale conservation ambitions.