28/10/2024 in: GWCT News Blog under: Farming , Farmland Ecology
Starting in 1970, the GWCT’s ongoing Sussex Study is the world’s longest running scientific study on invertebrates in the cereal ecosystem, providing a robust indication of the national picture.
7/10/2024 in: GWCT News Blog under: Farmland Ecology , GWCT Scotland
The Scottish Lowlands team had a busy start to the autumn, with the past couple weeks filled with fieldwork, travel and more fieldwork.
3/10/2024 in: GWCT News Blog under: Farmland Ecology
While it may seem like wildlife is winding down for the year, there are still things we can do for our countryside neighbours. Now is the time to plant wildflower seeds! Planting them before the first frost gives them time to settle in, and germination can be triggered by the cold so that they are ready to flower next spring.