Wildlife Appeals

These are some of the wildlife projects for which we are currently raising funds. Please help our scientists find ways to save some of Britain’s most vulnerable species.

Action for Curlew Appeal

Help us reverse the decline

Since the year 2000, we’ve lost half of our resident curlew. Help us lead the way toward their recovery. 

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Trail Camera Appeal

What’s driving nest losses?

Many ground-nesting birds are in desperate need of help. Using trail cameras, we can see what is causing nest losses.

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Wader Tracking Appeal

Support our wading birds

Help us understand what’s happening to our curlew, lapwing and woodcock by joining our biggest tracking project yet. 

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Conservation Policy Appeal

Support our revolution

This is a once in a generation opportunity - with your help, we can make a real difference to conservation policy. 

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Lapwing Appeal

Help us learn more

Transform the prospects of the lapwing and many other declining species in the British countryside. 

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Songbird Appeal

Save our songbirds

We need to find out how to use farmland conservation areas more effectively to help save our songbirds. 

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British Woodcock Appeal

Time is running out

The coming years will be vitally important for woodcock. Now is the time for us to show our support.

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