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  • Kat Hutchinson

    Head Keeper, Temple Farm Estate Growing up in Gloucestershire and spending time on her grandparents’ farm, Kat Hutchinson knew she did not want an office job: “I always wanted to be outside as a kid.” Today, Kat is one of Britain’s small but growing band of female head keepers, working on the Tem...

  • GWCT Sporting Calendar

    Get all the 2019/20 shooting season dates with the new GWCT Sporting Calendar Synchronise the GWCT Sporting Calendar to any calendar platform including Outlook, iPhone Calendar, Google, Android, Windows Live and Facebook. We've got it all covered – pheasant, grouse, partridge, deer, woodcock, wat...

  • GWCT Scottish Game Fair blessed with three days of wall to wall sunshine

    Our 30th anniversary Scottish Game Fair in association this year with NFU Mutual, leading rural insurer, was a great success with just under 30,000 attendees and glorious weather for all the three days. There has been great feedback from visitors, our programme of ‘have a go’ country sports activ...

  • Consultation response on proposals about the use of firearms on land managed by Natural Resources Wales

    Natural Resources Wales has been holding a formal review on the use of firearms on the land it manages. We submitted written evidence to this review and supported its conclusions. You can download our final consultation response below. DOWNLOAD > The Unique Partridge Four Shoot Raffle Don't ...

  • November 2015: Biodiversity 2020: What are the tools we need to create success?

    Discussion on the future for biodiversity and the tools needed to increase wildlife in our countryside. This included the use and benefits of legal predator control and adaptive management approaches to conservation. Mike Short from the GWCT’s Predation Research team said: “It isn’t just better h...

  • Undergraduate placements

    Each year the GWCT hosts undergraduate students on ecology, conservation and data science-related degrees, offering them an exciting opportunity to spend their sandwich placement year taking part in important game and wildlife conservation research. Placements are based at both our headquarters a...

  • Courses and Training Days

    The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust offers a variety of courses and training days aimed at the managers of the countryside - farmers, gamekeepers and other land management practitioners. Booking a course All courses are run on demand. The list of current planned courses can be viewed on ou...

  • Is fox control important?

    Q: Why is fox control important for the conservation of our game and wildlife?A: Wild ground-nesting birds like black grouse, partridge, lapwing and curlew are particularly vulnerable to predation by foxes, as are brown hares. Several of these are species of conservation concern; others are game ...

  • Forming a Farmer Cluster

    The establishment of a new Farmer Cluster begins with the identification of a lead farmer – a good farmer, respected in the community and prepared to lead, with strong green credentials. Farmer Clusters are designed to be farmer-led from the ground up, so the right choice of lead farmer is import...

  • Class of 2019

    Tamara Spivey (Scottish Lowlands) Ellen Knight (Farmland Ecology) I’ve had a fantastic year working in the Farmland Ecology Unit at the Trust. The placement has allowed me to work on a variety of projects, from spending days walking around farms catching bumblebees to surveying woodlands for woo...

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