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  • Grouse shooting

    Grouse shooting in the UK occurs in two main forms: driven shooting and walked-up, often over dogs. Driven shooting typically requires higher grouse densities, and this needs more effective management. The scale and impact of this management is the issue that provokes much of the debate around gr...

  • Do we need fox and crow control to halt curlew declines in the UK?

    This work was made possible with the kind support of The G & K L B Boyes Charitable Trust Key points UK populations of several wader species are rapidly declining, most likely due to low breeding success. Predation of eggs and chicks by generalist predators is thought to be a key driver of l...

  • 2016 grouse season briefing

    As we all look to the hills at this time of year, we can reflect that so far we have had a mixed bag of weather since the spring, including some ill-timed snowfalls in late April into May and heavy rain in June and July. This has led to a remarkable variation in patterns of grouse productivity th...

  • Effects of lead on wildlife and wildfowl

    Lead is toxic to all life with no safe threshold for exposure. It is a general toxin that affects virtually all systems in the body such as the nervous and reproductive systems1. Can lead be dangerous to wildlife?Yes. When any bird or mammal ingests spent lead ammunition by mistaking it for grit ...

  • Effects of lead on human health

    Note: The GWCT, along with most other wildlife organisations, does not have human health experts on its staff. The following advice has been produced by human health experts at the Food Standards Agency (FSA), who are qualified to give advice on the consumption of game shot with lead ammunition. ...

  • Lead ammunition

    Contents Effects of lead on wildlife Effects of lead on human health Background reading Further reading: Wildfowl and lead ammunition Last updated: 19 February 2020 Effects of lead on wildlife Can lead be dangerous to wildlife?Yes. When any bird or mammal ingests spent lead ammunition by mistak...

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