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  • Release pens

    Pens are used for releasing both pheasants and partridges. Crucially they provide safety, especially from ground predators, while the birds acclimatise to life in the wild. Partridge releasing differs from pheasant releasing so GWCT information for partridges can be found here. Of the two species...

  • The principles of Gamebird Management in the UK

    Why do we need these principles? The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust promotes best practice game management as a force for good for nature conservation and environmental improvement on farmland, woodland, moorland and wetland. By establishing principles, we want to promote best practice an...

  • Weeds in arable fields could help declining insect populations

    Key points Insect and other invertebrate numbers are declining across Europe. This study looked at the importance of weeds in crops for invertebrate numbers. The number and diversity of invertebrates increased as arable weeds increased. Certain weed species were most beneficial for invertebrates...

  • Providing brood-rearing cover for wild grey partridges

    Once hatched, partridge chicks walk away from their nests following their parents in search of food. They are not fed at the nest like skylark or blackbird chicks. At this stage the parents lead their chicks into brood-rearing covers such as cereal fields, waste ground and unimproved pastures th...

  • Game cover: Top of the crops

    Maize Advantages A wonderfully reliable crop for holding game and allows excellent control of broad-leaved weeds, so can be useful in a cover crop rotation. Disadvantages Can attract rats and badgers. It is not funded within Stewardship and does not offer food for smaller birds. Can only relia...

  • Class of 2016

    Belinda Bown (Farmland Ecology) This placement year has been invaluable and provided me with a wide range of experiences. In the lab I have done everything from insect identification to maintaining an aphid colony. Whilst in the field I have watched foraging swallows, collected thousands of insec...

  • Buzzard control

    Wildlife legislation provides for the protection of our wildlife, and the licensing procedure exists to create the ability to undertake, but only where there is a valid justification, an activity affecting a plant or animal which would otherwise be illegal. Natural England issues thousands of ind...

  • Scottish Game Fair

    We are delighted that the 33rd GWCT Scottish Game Fair, with Headline Sponsor NFU Mutual, the leading rural insurer, returns to stunning Scone Parklands over the weekend of 1-3 July 2022 As always, the fair will feature an impressive line-up of traders, competitions and main ring events plus coun...

  • Who’s who in Scotland

    Scottish HQ & Media Rory KennedyDirector Scotland07759 Playfair WalkerPR Consultants0131 445 Head of Research and Project Director GWSDF Auchnerran Dr Louise de Raad07903  Lowground Research & GWSDF...

  • Predator Control Appeal

    Help fund science to show the real impact of predator control An appeal from Professor Nick Sotherton, GWCT Director of Research You may have seen the recent coverage of the proposed changes to the General Licences, which raised the prospect of a ‘shoo before you shoot’ ruling - requiring you to ...

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