What is the Black Grouse Range Expansion Project?
Why are black grouse populations declining?
How will the project help increase black grouse breeding success?
Why is the North York Moors a suitable location for re-establishing black grouse?
How will black grouse be moved to the North York Moor...
By Andrew Hoodless, GWCT Head of Research
Black grouse are vanishing from our landscape. Once found across much of the UK, these remarkable birds are now restricted to only a few areas.
We urgently need your help. With your support, our scientists can gather crucial data to guide conservation ef...
The GWCT condemns the illegal killing of all birds of prey and so the RSPB’s Birdcrime Report, which records 1,344 incidents of the illegal killing of raptors in 15 years, makes for depressing reading. Sadly, the criminal acts of a minority bring gamekeepers into disrepute. By doing so, they clou...
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