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  • Data back to Darwin

  • Cereal ecosystems

    We continually stress the importance of insects for farmland birds ever since identifying the link between insect abundance and grey partridge chick survival.

  • Appeal for volunteers

    The project We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers who would like to gain experience of surveying to take part in the EU PARTRIDGE Project. This project aims to show how management solutions can improve biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural habitats, and we will be recording gre...

  • Demonstration Projects

    Allerton Project > Auchnerran - Scottish Demonstration Farm > Langholm Moor Demonstration Project > PARTRIDGE Project > Rotherfield Game Restoration Project > Royston Grey Partridge Recovery Project > River Monnow Project >

  • Our Projects

    Below are examples of some of the long running projects we're involved in: Big Farmland Bird Count > PARTRIDGE Project > SAMARCH Project > Waders for Real > We also run three long-term monitoring programmes, the Partridge Count Scheme, National Gamebag Census and Sussex Sttudy, wh...

  • Gamebirds

    Pheasant The male pheasant is particularly well-known for its beautiful, golden-coloured feathers, green head, red wattle or comb above the eye, and, of course, its long tail and distinctive strut. The hen birds are more grey/brown with a shorter tail. They live in woodland and farmland across th...

  • Species

    Birds Grey partridge > Common pheasant > Red grouse > Black Grouse > Birds of prey > Lapwing and other waders > Woodcock > Songbirds > Fish Salmon > Trout > Grayling > Pike > Mammals Brown hare > Mountain hare > Water vole > Deer > American mink &g...

  • Fiona Torrance

    Scottish Grey Partridge Recovery Project Research Assistant Fiona has been with GWCT Scotland’s Lowlands team for five years. She works with the two PARTRIDGE project farms in Scotland, Balgonnie and Whitburgh, carrying out grey partridge and other farmland wildlife monitoring, and providing advi...

  • Downloads

    We offer the following fact sheets that may be useful to those with an interest in managing and conserving grey partridges or taking part in the Partridge Count Scheme: Conserving the grey partridge guide Fact sheet 1: Restoring wild grey partridges to your farm Fact sheet 2: Providing nesting...

  • Facts and figures

    We employ over 100 staff, including many scientists, and run over 60 research projects - many in collaboration with universities supervising PhD students. We have an annual income of £6.8 million mostly coming from members, donations, fundraising events, sponsorship and charitable trusts. The re...

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