The project
We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers who would like to gain experience of surveying to take part in the EU PARTRIDGE Project. This project aims to show how management solutions can improve biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural habitats, and we will be recording grey partridge numbers from now until the end of March to monitor biodiversity levels. Further information on the project can be found here.
The work
At the moment we are focusing on partridge playback surveys, which are carried out at dusk and/or dawn. These involve walking 1km transects and recording grey partridge responses to speaker recordings. The sites in the project are in Fife and Mid/East Lothian so participants can opt for all or specific areas if they have a preference. Volunteers will gain valuable experience in survey techniques and ID skills, and get the chance to take part in an EU project that aims to benefit farmers as well as biodiversity.
You do not need to have any previous experience of environmental surveys as all training will be provided. Although no strenuous activities will be undertaken, surveyors should be able to walk 1km on uneven ground at a brisk pace. We would recommend that surveyors bring wellies as the ground can be muddy, and that they wear warm clothes. You should also be able to travel to site independently, although pickup can be arranged from a nearby train station (where possible).
To sign up or if you have any questions, please contact Fiona Torrance, Scottish Grey Partridge Recovery Project Research Assistant, at