Perth & Kinross

2024 PosterPupils from across the Perth and Kinross are invited to enter the 2024 Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) Schools Art Competition. Open to all pupils, the brief is to:

'Create a piece of art illustrating a species of game or wildlife from the British Isles, in its natural habitat.'

Artwork can be of any medium; imagination is encouraged. The deadline for artwork to be submitted is 11 October. Please email entries to or upload individual entries here. If you are sending a large number of entries please use WeTransfer.

When you submit your entries, please specify that you are from Perth and Kinross, detail your school name and which category you are in, see below

  • Primary 1-3, Primary 1-3 ASN
  • Primary 4-5, Primary 4-5 ASN
  • Primary 6-7, Primary 6-7 ASN
  • Secondary, Secondary ASN

Judging will take place and invitations will be sent out to all winners as soon as possible, Details of the prize giving event will be included.  

Winning artists and their parents/guardians will be treated to a day of celebration. Lunch will be included and there will be many prizes given out on the day including certificates for all.

The poster and rules below are not loading for everyone so here is a brief run through of the details:

  • Competition is open to all school aged pupils, this includes those who are home schooled and those in ASN
  • Winner, runner-up and x2 commended will be selected from each category.
  • ASN entries will be competing with those from Angus and Aberdeenshire
  • Overall primary and secondary winner will be selected.
  • Prizes include farm visits, estate tour, art workshops, art materials, books and more.
  • Entrants may only submit one piece of artwork each
  • A participant can only win the overall prize once in each competition (Primary and
    Secondary), they are welcome to enter and win individual prizes multiple times over the
    years but will only be overall winner once in their career!
  • The judges decision is final
  • No alternative prizes available
  • All farm and estate visits and art workshops will be arranged on a mutual date to suit all parties where possible.
  • All entries will be the property of GWCT and may be used for their own promotional purposes in GWCT publications, website, and on merchandise which may be sold in aid of GWCT
  • Press photographers will be invited to all events, if the young person’s image is not to be publicised, please let GWCT know by contacting Iona on
  • Details of the prize giving event will be confirmed nearer the time as invitations will be issued, parents and teachers will be included.

For more information, contact Iona Laing, Education and Events officer on

It is with huge thanks to the following that we are able to host this competition:

RHET / Moorland Groups / Julian Jardine artist / Perth and Kinross Council