Black Grouse Appeal

We are seeing black grouse disappear before our eyes. Will you help us save them?

Lek 23Black grouse populations are struggling due to the loss of suitable habitats and food sources for their chicks. If we don’t act now, we may lose these birds forever.

To combat this decline, our GWCT Uplands Team have been working on a groundbreaking project to understand more about black grouse habitat needs and to translocate birds to more suitable environments. By tagging these birds, we gain vital data on their movements. Funding from Natural England is now coming to an end so with your help we have a unique opportunity to continue to reverse this path to extinction. Your support is vital and your donations will help us tag and track the birds’ movements, study their habitats and translocate them to areas with better conditions for their survival.

Will you make a donation today and help us bring back the black grouse?

Your contribution can make a real difference.

  • £20 pays for one hour of data processing time, understanding the natural movements of black grouse is vital for management.
  • £60 buys one net for catching black grouse. The greatest care is taken when handling these birds.
  • £190 buys one VHF radio tag, which has a good battery life but a more limited location range.
  • £1,250 buys one GPS tag, which provides hourly locations for three to four years and uses satellite technology to provide global range.

If you would like to support our appeal and find out more, please visit