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Water and wildlife on a commercial farm: multifunctional management of set-aside and other natural resources in lowland England.
Stoate, C. 2004. In: Cristóvão, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the 6th European International Farming Systems Association Symposium: 303-310. International Farming Systems Association, Vila Real, Portugal.
Preparing for a new agri-environment scheme in England: influences on farmer participation.
Stoate, C. 2004. In: Cristóvão, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the 6th European International Farming Systems Association Conference: 459-465. International Farming Systems Association, Vile Real, Portugal.
Development of an agri-environment scheme option: seed-bearing crops for farmland birds.
Stoate, C., Henderson, I.G., & Parish, D.M.B. 2004. Ibis, 146 Supplement 2: 203-209.
The Allerton Project: Research and Demonstration of Practical Environmental Management on Farmland.
Stoate, C. 2004. In: Dallemand, J.F. & Mottram, L.C. (eds) Ecosites, Ecocentres and the Implementation of European Union Environment and Sustainable Development Policies: 19-23. Proceedings of the Final Ecolink Workshop. Euorpean Commission Directorate-General Joint Research Centre, Brussels.
An experimental study of the effects of predation on the breeding productivity of capercaillie and black grouse.
Summers, R.W., Green, R.E., Proctor, R., Dugan, D., Lambie, D., Moncrieff, R., Moss, R., & Baines, D. 2004. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41: 513-525.
Black Grouse in northern England: stemming the decline.
Warren, P.K. & Baines, D. 2004. British Birds, 97: 183-189.
The Effects of Raptor Predation on Grey Partridges Perdix perdix.
Watson, M. 2004. Unpublished D.Phil. thesis. Linacre College, Oxford.
Hunting and fox numbers in the United Kingdom.
Aebischer, N.J., Baker, S.E., Johnson, P.J., Macdonald, D.W., & Reynolds, J.C. 2003. Nature, 423: 400.
Evidence for food limitation in the declining hen harrier population on the Orkney Islands, Scotland.
Amar, A., Redpath, S.M., & Thirgood, S.J. 2003. Biological Conservation, 111: 377-384.
Marking of deer fences to reduce frequency of collisions by woodland grouse.
Baines, D. & Andrew, M. 2003. Biological Conservation, 110: 169-176.
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