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Predator control as part of a land management system: Impacts on breeding success and abundance of passerines.
Stoate, C. & Szczur, J. 2005. Wildlife Biology in Practice, 1: 53-59.
Land use and aquatic ecosystem protection within an English lowland catchment: The Eye brook.
Stoate, C. 2005. In: Sharing a Common Vision for our Water Resources. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Water Resources Association, Athens. On CD-ROM.
The effect of riparian grazing on brown trout, Salmo trutta, and juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in an English chalk stream.
Summers, D.W., Giles, N., & Stubbing, D.N. 2005. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 12: 403-405.
Nature's Gain. How Gamebird Management has Influenced Wildlife Conservation.
Tapper, S.C. 2005. The Game Conservancy Trust, Fordingbridge.
Predatory activity and spatial pattern: the response of generalist carabids to their aphid prey.
Winder, L., Alexander, C.J., Holland, J.M., Symondson, W.O.C., Perry, J.N., & Woolley, C. 2005. Journal of Animal Ecology, 74: 443-454.
The role of large-scale spatially explicit and small-scale localized processes on the population dynamics of cereal aphids.
Winder, L., Griffiths, G.J.K., Perry, J.N., Alexander, C.J., Holland, J.M., Kennedy, P.J., & Birt, A. 2005. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 95: 579-587.
Managing the UK Grey Partridge Perdix perdix recovery: population change, reproduction, habitat and shooting.
Aebischer, N.J. & Ewald, J.A. 2004. Ibis, 146 Supplement 2: 181-191.
Habitat predicts losses of red grouse to individual hen harriers.
Amar, A., Arroyo, B.E., Redpath, S.M., & Thirgood, S.J. 2004. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41: 305-314.
Ecology and Conservation of Lowland Farmland Birds II: The Road to Recovery.
Vickery, J.A., Evans, A.D., Grice, P.V., Aebischer, N.J. & Brand-Hardy, R. (eds) 2004. Ibis, 146 Supplement 2. British Ornithologists' Union, Tring.
Capercaillie breeding success in relation to forest habitat and predator abundance.
Baines, D., Moss, R., & Dugan, D. 2004. Journal of Applied Ecology, 41: 59-71.
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