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Effects of manipulating crop architecture on weed and arthropod diversity in winter wheat.
Smith, B.M. & Jones, N.E. 2007. Aspects of Applied Biology, 81: 31-38.
The importance of seed origin in grassland restoration schemes.
Smith, B.M. 2007. Aspects of Applied Biology, 82: 31-37.
The Eye Brook - a multifunctional approach to catchment management.
Stoate, C. 2007. British Wildlife, 18: 240-247.
Food, fibre, fuel and fauna - can we have it all?
Stoate, C. 2007. British Wildlife, 19: 102-108.
Does farmers' knowledge of birds influence their conservation of them?
Stoate, C. & Bird, D.P. 2007. Aspects of Applied Biology, 81: 227-230.
Multifunctional benefits of an agri-environment scheme option: Riparian buffer strip pools within 'Arable Reversion'.
Stoate, C., Whitfield, M., Williams, P., Szczur, J., & Driver, K. 2007. Aspects of Applied Biology, 81: 221-226.
Success of calcein marking via osmotic induction in brown trout fry, Salmo trutta.
Stubbing, D.N. & Moss, R.D. 2007. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 14: 231-233.
Singing Fields. Why Gamekeeping Helps Birds in the Countryside.
Tapper, S.C. 2007. Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, Fordingbridge.
Brown hare and Irish hare.
Tapper, S.C. & McDonald, R.A. 2007. In: Winspear, R. (ed.) The Farm Wildlife Handbook: 18-22. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Sandy.
The Fate and Management of Pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) Released in the UK.
Turner, C.V. 2007. Unpublished Ph.D thesis. Imperial College, University of London, London.
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