Proceedings of XXX IUGB Congress and Perdix XIII.
Puigcerver, M., Teijeiro, J.D.R., & Buner, F.D. (eds)
2012. International Union of Game Biologists, Barcelona.
Restoring Diverse Grassland: What Can Be Achieved Where, and What Will It Do For Us?
Peel, S., Chesterton, C., Cooke, A., Jefferson, R., Martin, D., Smith, B.M., Smith, S. & Tallowin, J.R.B. (eds)
2012. Aspects of Applied Biology, 115. Association of Applied Biologists, Warwick.
XXXth IUGB Congress and Perdix XIII.
Buner, F.D., & Puigcerver, M.
2012. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 35: 153-154.
Off-crop environment.
Campbell, P., Hoy, S., Bakker, F., Chaton, P.-F., Daniel, O., van der Geest, B., Holland, J.M., Lawrence, A., Mead-Briggs, M., Miles, M., Miller, P.C.H., Ross-Nickoll, M. & Süssenbach, D.
2012. In: Alix, A., Bakker, F., Barrett, K., Brühl, C.A., Coulson, M., Hoy, S., Jansen, J.-P., Jepson, P., Lewis, G., Neumann, P., Süssenbach, D. & van Vliet, P. (eds) Escort 3. Linking Non-Target Arthropod Testing and Risk Assessment with Protection Goals: 25-38. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Pensacola, U.S.A.
Does prescribed burning on peat soils influence DOC concentrations in soil and runoff waters? Results from a 10-year chronosequence.
Clay, G.D., Worrall, F., & Aebischer, N.J.
2012. Journal of Hydrology, 448-449: 139-148.
Provisioning with cereal grain depresses the body condition of insectivorous Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella nestlings.
Douglas, D.J.T., Moreby, S.J., & Benton, T.G.
2012. Bird Study, 59: 105-109.
The influence of pheasant releasing and associated management on farmland hedgerows and birds in England.
Draycott, R.A.H., Hoodless, A.N., Cooke, M., & Sage, R.B.
2012. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 58: 227-234.
Intestinal nematodes of shot wild grey partridges in Norfolk, England.
Draycott, R.A.H. & Armenteros Santos, J.-Á.
2012. Veterinary Record, 171: 20.
Survival of released red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) on farmland in England. Extended abstract.
Draycott, R.A.H., Sage, R.B. & Hoodless, A.N.
2012. In: Puigcerver, M., Teijeiro, J.D.R. & Buner, F.D. (eds) Proceedings of XXX IUGB Congress and Perdix XIII: 85-86. International Union of Game Biologists, Barcelona.
Restoration of a sustainable wild grey partridge shoot in eastern England.
Draycott, R.A.H.
2012. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 35: 381-386.