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Some records of bird and mammal ectoparasites.
Ash, J.S. 1955. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 91: 64-65.
Grass in stomachs of Kestrel and Little Owl.
Ash, J.S. 1955. British Birds, 48: (Notes) 327-327.
Pied Wheatear in Dorset
Ash, J.S. 1955. British Birds, 48: 130-132.
A population of partridges (Perdix p. perdix and Alectoris r. rufa) on a Hampshire estate.
Blank, T.H. & Ash, J.S. 1955. In: Acta 11th Congress of the International Ornithologists' Union: 424-427. International Ornithologists' Union, Basel.
Natural History Reports. 2. Birds, 1954.
Cohen, E. 1955. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club, 19: 76-95.
Natural History Reports. 1. Mammals, 1954.
Dowdeswell, W.H 1955. Proceedings of the Hampshire Field Club, 19: 74-76.
Additional records of Protocalliphora (Diptera) in birds' nests
Owen, D.F., & Ash, J.S. 1955. British Birds, 48: 225-229.
Balearic Shearwaters off the Dorset coast in 1953.
Ash, J.S. & Rooke, K.B. 1954. British Birds, 47: 285-296.
Barn Owls roosting on stumps in a reed-bed
Ash, J.S. 1954. British Birds, 47: 83.
Comatose condition of Little Owl
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