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Fowl Pest in Game.
Coles, C.L. & Blank, T.H. 1971. The Game Conservancy, Fordingbridge.
Agriculture and the survival of partridges.
Potts, G.R. 1971. Outlook on Agriculture, 6: 276-271.
Facteurs régissant le taux de survie des jeunes chez la perdrix grise (Perdix perdix)
Potts, G.R. 1971. Bulletin Spécial du Conseil Supérieur de la Chasse, 15: 23-34
Bag records as indicators of population trends in partridges.
Ash, J.S. 1970. In: Grenquist, P. (ed.) Transactions of the 8th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists; Finnish Game Research: 357-360. International Union of Game Biologists, Helsinki.
Observations on a decreasing population of Red-backed Shrikes.
Ash, J.S. 1970. British Birds, 63: 185-205; 225-239.
The recovery of reared pheasants released on an English pheasant shoot.
Blank, T.H. 1970. In: Grenquist, P. (ed.) Transactions of the 8th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists: 361-365. International Union of Game Biologists, Helsinki.
Measuring the mortality of released pheasants.
Bray, R.P. 1970. In: Grenquist, P. (ed.) Transactions of the 8th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists: 366-368. International Union of Game Biologists, Helsinki.
Spring weights of some palearctic migrants at Lake Chad.
Fry, C.H., Ash, J.S., & Ferguson-Lees, I.J. 1970. Ibis, 112: 58-82.
The National Game Census of Great Britain.
Huband, P. 1970. In: Grenquist, P. (ed.) Transactions of the 8th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists: 237-240. International Union of Game Biologists, Helsinki.
The value of hedgerows to partridge populations
Huband, P. 1970. In: Hooper, M.D. & Holdgate, M.W. (eds) Hedges and Hedgerow Trees: 63-68. Monks Wood Symposium No. 4, 1968. Monks Wood Experimental Station, Huntingdon
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