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The effects of foliar fungicides on some insect pests of cereals.
Vickerman, G.P. 1977. In: Proceddings of the 1977 Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Pests & Diseases: 121-128. British Crop Protection Council, London.
Newcastle Disease in the Pheasant Phasianus colchicus, in Britain.
Beer, J.V. 1976. In: Wildlife Diseases: 423-430. Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York.
Sedge Warbler migration and reed aphids.
Bibby, C.J., Green, R.E., Pepler, G.R.M., & Pepler, P.A. 1976. British Birds, 69: 384-399.
The development and ecological significance of feeding techniques in the Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus).
Davies, N.B. & Green, R.E. 1976. Animal Behaviour, 24: 213-229.
Habitat selection by cock pheasants in spring.
Lachlan, C. & Bray, R.P. 1976. Journal of Applied Ecology, 13: 691-704.
The Amey Roadstone-Game Conservancy Wildfowl Project.
Street, M. 1976. Wildfowl, 27: 152.
The diet of weasels, Mustela nivalis and stoats, Mustela erminea during early summer, in relation to predation on gamebirds.
Tapper, S.C. 1976. Journal of Zoology (London), 179: 219-224.
Population fluctuations of Field voles (Microtus): a background to the problems involved in predicting vole plagues.
Tapper, S.C. 1976. Mammal Review, 6: 93-117.
Grouse Management.
Watson, A. & Miller, G.R. 1976. (Booklet 12). The Game Conservancy Green Guide, Booklet 12, The Game Conservancy & The Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Fordingbridge.
Fungal infections of the plumage
Beer, J.V., & Kear, J. 1975. In: Kear, J., & Duplaix-Hall, N. (eds) Flamingos: 203-204. Poyser, Berkhamsted.
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