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The first record of a rare murine rodent Diomys and further records of three shrew species from Nepal.
Ingles, J.M., Newton, P.N., Rands, M.R.W., & Bowden, C.G.R. 1980. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History (Zoology), 39: 205-211.
Simple computer models as aids to studies on the regulation of Alectoris population densities.
Potts, G.R. 1980. In: Coles, C.L., Reydellet, M., van Tuyll, G., van Maltzahn, L. & Bugalho, J. (eds) Partridges of the Alectoris Genus: Proceedings of the Symposium held in Athens: 62-70. Conseil International de la Chasse et de la Conservation du Gibier, Paris.
The effects of modern agriculture, nest predation and game management on the population ecology of partridges, (Perdix perdix and Alectoris rufa).
Potts, G.R. 1980. Advances in Ecological Research, 11: 1-79.
Population dynamics and breeding success of the Shag, Phalacrocorax aristotelis, on the Farne Islands, Northumberland.
Potts, G.R., Coulson, J.C., & Deans, I.R. 1980. Journal of Animal Ecology, 49: 465-484.
Can the methods of wild partridge management in Britain also help endangered pheasants in Asia?
Potts, G.R. 1980. In: Pheasants in Asia 1979: 92-95. World Pheasant Association, Reading.
Population regulation mechanisms in partridges and the use of computer simulation models
Potts, G.R. 1980. In: Peterson, S.R. & Nelson, L.Jr. (eds) Proceedings of Perdix II Gray Partridge Workshop: 137-146. Contribution No. 211. Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station, University of Idaho.
The Ecology of Gastrophysa polygoni (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Cereals.
Sotherton, N.W. 1980. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. University of Southampton, Southampton.
Differents types connus d'affectation du sol après exploitation de carrière: la création de zones écologiques.
Street, M. 1980. In: Les Carrières Potentiel de Création et de Reconquête des Milieux Naturels. Union Nationale des Producteurs de Granulates.
Aphid feeding by some polyphagous predators in relation to aphid density in cereal fields.
Sunderland, K.D. & Vickerman, G.P. 1980. Journal of Applied Ecology, 17: 389-396.
The role of polyphagous predators in limiting the increase of cereal aphids in winter wheat.
Sunderland, K.D., Stacey, D.L., & Edwards, C.A. 1980. IOBC (International Organisation for Biological and Integrated Control) West Palearctic Regional Section Bulletin, III: 85-91.
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