Habitat correlates of Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola abundance in a declining resident population
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2018. Journal of Ornithology, 159: 955-965.
Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in the chalk streams of England are genetically unique
Ikediashi, C.I., Paris, J.R., King, R.A., Beaumont, W.R.C., Ibbotson, A. & Stevens, J.R.
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Belowground experimental approaches for exploring aboveground-belowground patterns
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Resource-Area-Dependence Analysis: inferring animal resource needs from home-range and mapping data
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Survival of chicks and adults explains variation in population growth in a recovering red grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica population
Ludwig, S.C., Aebischer, N.J., Bubb, D., Roos, S., & Baines, D.
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Population responses of Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica to expansion of heather Calluna vulgaris cover on a Scottish grouse moor
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Diversionary feeding and nestling diet of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus
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Use of agri-environment scheme habitats by pipistrelle bats on arable farmland
McHugh, N.M., Bown, B.L., Forbes, A.S., Hemsley, J.A. & Holland, J.M.
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Relationships between tree sparrow Passer montanus fledging success and the quantity and quality of agricultural habitats - A model comparison study
McHugh, N.M., Prior, M., Leather, S.R., & Holland, J.M.
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Use of field margins managed under an agri-environment scheme by foraging Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica
McHugh, N.M., Bown, B.L., & Clark.J.E.
2018. Bird Study, 65: 329-337.