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A five-year study of the breeding behaviour and biology of the Woodcock in England - a first report.
Hirons, G.J.M. 1983. In: Kalchreuter, H. (ed.) Proceedings of the Second European Woodcock and Snipe Workshop: 51-67. International Waterfowl Research Bureau, Slimbridge.
The breeding biology and behaviour of the Woodcock Scolopax rusticola (abstract).
Hirons, G.J.M. 1983. Ibis, 125: 589.
The diet and behaviour of Eurasian Woodcock wintering in Cornwall.
Hirons, G.J.M. & Bickford-Smith, P. 1983. In: Kalchreuter, H. (ed.) Proceedings of the Second European Snipe and Woodcock Workshop: 11-17. International Waterfowl Research Bureau, Slimbridge.
The variation and synchronization of daily weight increments of Puffin chicks Fratercula arctica.
Hudson, P.J. 1983. Ibis, 125: 557-561.
Integrated management of upland environment.
Peel, W. 1983. In: Way, J.M. (ed.) Proceedings of a Symposium on the Management of natural and semi- natural vegetation: 155-165. Wye College, Wye.
Towards a realistic simulation model for Woodcock populations.
Potts, G.R. & Hirons, G.J.M. 1983. In: Kalchreuter, H. (ed.) Proceedings of the Second European Snipe and Woodcock Workshop: 83-91. International Waterfowl Research Bureau, Slimbridge.
Conservation of pheasant habitat in Asia and a possible role for hunters and aviculturalists.
Potts, G.R. 1983. In: Savage, C.D.W. (ed.) Pheasants in Asia 1982: 109-114. World Pheasant Association, Reading.
The importance of nesting cover for partridges on farmland in the U.K.
Rands, M.R.W. 1983. In: Coles, C.L. (ed.) Farmland Pressures on Small Game, Proceedings of the Symposia held in Munich 1981 and Monaco 1982: 20-24. Conseil International de la Chasse et de la Conservation du Gibier, Paris.
The effects of habitat quality on Grey Partridge breeding densities in the U.K.
Rands, M.R.W. 1983. In: Coles, C.L. (ed.) Farmland Pressures on Small Game, Proceedings of the Symposia in Munich 1981 and Monaco 1982: 171-182. Conseil International de la Chasse et de la Conservation du Gibier, Paris.
The Mating System of the Pheasant Phasianus colchicus.
Ridley, M.W. 1983. Unpublished D.Phil. thesis. Magdalen College, Oxford.
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