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The food of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Co. Kildare, Ireland.
Robertson, P.A. & Whelan, J. 1987. Journal of Zoology, London, 213: 740-743.
The ecology and management of wild and hand-reared pheasants in Ireland.
Robertson, P.A. & Whelan, J. 1987. Irish Birds, 3: 427-440.
Apparently blind jackdaw feeding, preening and flying.
Robertson, P.A. 1987. British Birds, 80: 249-250.
The Cereals and Gamebirds Research Project 1984-1987. A brief resume.
Sotherton, N.W. 1987. In: Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society: 137-139.
The effects of the foliar fungicide pyrazophos on beneficial arthropods in barley fields.
Sotherton, N.W., Moreby, S.J., & Langley, M.G. 1987. Annals of Applied Biology, 111: 75-87.
The environmental interest of field margins to game and other wildlife: a Game Conservancy view.
Sotherton, N.W. & Rands, M.R.W. 1987. In: Way, J.M. & Greig-Smith, P.W. (eds) 1987 Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Field Margins: 67-75. BCPC Monograph No. 35. British Crop Protection Council, Farnham.
Predicting, measuring and minimizing the effects of pesticides on farmland wildlife on intensively managed arable land in Britain.
Sotherton, N.W. & Rands, M.R.W. 1987. In: Greenhalgh, R. & Roberts, T.R. (eds) Pesticide Science and Biotechnology - Proceedings Sixth IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) Congress of Pesticide Chemistry: 433-436. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
A study of feeding by polyphagous predators on cereal aphids using Elisa and gut dissection.
Sunderland, K.D., Crook, N.E., Stacey, D.L., & Fuller, B.J. 1987. Journal of Applied Ecology, 24: 907-933.
The Brown Hare.
Tapper, S.C. 1987. Shire Natural History Series, Shire Publications, Aylesbury.
Cycles in game-bag records of hares and rabbits in Britain.
Tapper, S.C. 1987. Symposium of the Zoological Society of London, 58: 79-98.
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