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The Cereals and Gamebirds Research Project: Overcoming the indirect effects of pesticides.
Sotherton, N.W. 1988. In: Harding, D.J.L. (ed.) Britain since Silent Spring. An Update on the Ecological Effects of Agricultural Pesticides in the UK: 64-72. Symposium proceedings, Cambridge March 1988. Institute of Biology, London.
The effects of pesticide exclusion strips on faunal populations in Great Britain.
Sotherton, N.W., Dover, J.W., & Rands, M.R.W. 1988. Ecological Bulletins, 39: 197-199.
Criteria for the design, execution and analysis of terrestrial non-target invertebrate field tests.
Sotherton, N.W., Jepson, P.C. & Pullen, A.J. 1988. In: Greaves, M.P., Smith, B.P. & Greig-Smith, P.W. (eds) Environmental Effects of Pesticides: 183-190. BCPC Monograph No. 40, British Crop Protection Council, Farnham.
Field assessments of resistance to the aphids Sitobion avenae and Metopolophium dirhodum in old and modern spring-sown wheats.
Sotherton, N.W. & Lee, G. 1988. Annals of Applied Biology, 112: 239-248.
The effects of foliar fungicides on beneficial arthropods in wheat fields.
Sotherton, N.W. & Moreby, S.J. 1988. Entomophaga, 33: 87-99.
Investigation of farming systems on integrated crop protection in cereals: The work of The Game Conservancy, UK.
Sotherton, N.W. & Potts, G.R. 1988. In: Cavalloro, R. & Sunderland, K.D. (eds) Integrated Crop Protection in Cereals: Proceedings of a Meeting of the EC Experts' Group: 305-315. A.A. Balkhema, Rotterdam/Brookfield.
The Great Linford Gravel Pit Wildfowl Project.
Street, M. & Gawn, P. 1988. Mine & Quarry Environment, 2: 26-29.
Potential interactions betweeen varietal resistance and natural enemies in the control of cereal aphids.
Sunderland, K.D., Chambers, R.J. & Carter, O.C.R. 1988. In: Cavalloro, R. & Sunderland, K.D. (eds) Integrated Crop Protection in Cereals: 41-56. Proceedings of a meeting of the EC Experts' Group/Littlehampton 1986. A.A. Balkema for the Commission of the European Comminities, Rotterdam.
Quantitative methods for detecting invertebrate predation occurring in the field.
Sunderland, K.D. 1988. Annals of Applied Biology, 112: 201-224.
Population changes in gamebirds.
Tapper, S.C. 1988. In: Hudson, P.J. & Rands, M.R.W. (eds) Ecology and Management of Gamebirds: 18-47. Blackwell Scientific Publications, London.
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