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The Behavioural Ecology of the Wood Mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) in the Cereal Field Ecosystem.
Tew, T.E. 1989. Unpublished D.Phil. thesis. Wolfson College, Oxford.
The creation of island habitats to enhance populations of beneficial insects.
Thomas, M.B. 1989. In: 1989 Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Weeds Vol. 3: 1097-1102. British Crop Protection Council, Farnham.
The distribution of arable weed seedbanks and the implications for the conservation of endangered species and communities.
Wilson, P.J. 1989. In: 1989 Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Weeds Volume 3: 1081-1086. British Crop Protection Council, Farnham.
Shade-light mediated responses in field and hedgerow populations of Galium aparine L.
Bain, A.B. & Attridge, T.H. 1988. Journal of Experimental Botany, 39: 1759-1764.
The effects of improvement of upland, marginal grasslands on the distribution and density of breeding wading birds (Charadriiformes) in northern England.
Baines, D. 1988. Biological Conservation, 45: 221-236.
Diseases of Gamebirds and Wildfowl.
Beer, J.V. 1988. The Game Conservancy Green Guide 6, Game Conservancy Ltd, Fordingbridge.
The effects of timing and dose on the control of Galium aparine (cleavers) and other broadleaved weeds by fluroxypyr in cereal headlands.
Boatman, N.D., Freeman, K.J., & Green, M.C.E. 1988. Aspects of Applied Biology, 18: 117-128.
Field edge management for game and wildlife conservation.
Boatman, N.D. & Wilson, P.J. 1988. Aspects of Applied Biology, 16: 53-61.
The agronomic consequences and costs of managing field margins for game and wildlife conservation.
Boatman, N.D. & Sotherton, N.W. 1988. Aspects of Applied Biology, 17: 47-56.
Human activities and their influence on wildlife.
Coles, C.L. 1988. In: Spagnesi, M. (ed.) Ambiente - Agricoltura - Fauna Strategia per una Corretta Gestione della Fauna come Risorsa Naturale Rinnovabile in Europa e nel Bacino del Mediterraneo; Supplemento alle Ricerche di Biologia della Selvaggina: 31-39. Istituto Nazionale di Biologia della Selvaggina, 'Alessandro Ghigi', Bologna.
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