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Distraction displays of red grouse in relation to risk of predation.
Newborn, D. & Hudson, P.J. 1990. In: Lovell, T.W.I. & Hudson, P.J. (eds) Proceedings of the Fourth International Grouse Symposium. World Pheasant Association, Reading.
Autumn Applied Pyrethroid Insecticides: Consequences for the Natural Enemies of Cereal Aphids.
Pullen, A.J. 1990. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. University of Southampton, Southampton.
Agricultural programs: the European perspective.
Potts, G.R. 1990. In: Church, K.E., Warner, R.E. & Brady, S.J. (eds) Perdix V: Gray Partridge and Ring-Necked Pheasant Workshop: 347-358. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, Emporia, Kansas.
Causes of the decline in partridge populations and effect of the insecticide dimethoate on chick mortality.
Potts, G.R. 1990. In: Lumeij, J.T. & Hoogeveen, Y.R. (eds) The Future of Wild Galliformes in the Netherlands: 62-70. Organisatiecommissie Nederlandse Wilde Hoenders, Amersfoort.
Raptors and red grouse populations overwinter: a comparison between three studies.
Redpath, S.M. 1990. In: Lovell, T.W.I. & Hudson, P.J. (eds) Proceedings of the Fourth International Grouse Symposium: Chapter 5, Session 1. World Pheasant Association, Reading.
Hen Harriers facilitating predation of Red Grouse chicks by Buzzard.
Redpath, S.M. 1990. British Birds, 83: 116.
The impact of generalist predators on gamebird populations.
Reynolds, J.C. 1990. In: Lumeij, J.T. & Hoogeveen, Y.R. (eds) The Future of Wild Galliformes in the Netherlands: 172-184. Organisatiecommissie Nederlandse Wilde Hoenders, Amersfoort.
The effects of releasing hand-reared birds on the British pheasant population.
Robertson, P.A. 1990. In: Hill, D.A., Garson, P.J. & Jenkins, D. (eds) Pheasants in Asia 1989: 233-236. World Pheasant Association, Reading.
The effects of hand-rearing on wild gamebird populations.
Robertson, P.A. & Dowell, S.D. 1990. In: Lumeij, J.T. & Hoogeveen, Y.R. (eds) The Future of Wild Galliformes in the Netherlands: 158-171. Organisatiecommissie Nederlandse Wilde Hoenders, Amersfoort.
Trapping, marking and radio-tagging.
Robertson, P.A. & Kenward, R.E. 1990. In: Hill, D.A., Garson, P.J. & Jenkins, D. (eds) Pheasants in Asia 1989: 153-166. World Pheasant Association, Reading.
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