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Proceedings of the International Conference, 'Wise Use as a Conservation Strategy'.
Potts, G.R., Lecocq, Y., Swift, J. & Havet, P. (eds) 1991. Gibier Faune Sauvage, 8 (4). Office National de la Chasse, Paris.
The impact of hen harriers on red grouse breeding success.
Redpath, S.M. 1991. Journal of Applied Ecology, 28: 659-671.
Comparison and quantification of carnivore diet by faecal analysis : a critique, with recommendations based on a study of the Fox Vulpes vulpes.
Reynolds, J.C. & Aebischer, N.J. 1991. Mammal Review, 21: 97-122.
Wise use and Conservation.
Robertson, P.A. 1991. In: Potts, G.R., Lecocq, Y., Swift, J. & Havet, P. (eds) Proceedings of the International Conference, 'Wise use as a conservation strategy'; Gibier Faune Sauvage: 379-388. Office National de la Chasse, Paris.
Estimating the nesting success and productivity of British pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) from nest record schemes.
Robertson, P.A. 1991. Bird Study, 38: 73-79.
Conservation Headlands: a practical combination of intensive cereal farming and conservation.
Sotherton, N.W. 1991. In: Firbank, L.G., Carter, N., Darbyshire, J.F. & Potts, G.R. (eds) Ecology of Temperate Cereal Fields: 373-397. British Ecological Society Symposium, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
The effect of predator control on populations of grey partridge (Perdix perdix).
Tapper, S.C., Brockless, M.H. & Potts, G.R. 1991. In: Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists: 398-403. International Union of Game Biologists, Gödöllö.
Brown hare Lepus europaeus.
Tapper, S.C. 1991. In: Corbet, G.B. & Harris, S. (eds) The Handbook of British Mammals: 154-161. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.
Wild partridge management - Research on the impact of farming and predation.
Tapper, S.C. 1991. In: Lecocq, Y. (ed.) Wildlife Management in the Community: The future of Fieldsports: 14-23. Federation des Associations de Chasseurs, Brussels.
Creation of 'island' habitats in farmland to manipulate populations of beneficial arthropods: predator densities and emigration.
Thomas, M.B., Wratten, S.D., & Sotherton, N.W. 1991. Journal of Applied Ecology, 28: 906-917.
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