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Arable acronyms analysed - a review of integrated arable farming systems research in Western Europe.
Holland, J.M., Frampton, G.K., Çilgi, T., & Wratten, S.D. 1994. Annals of Applied Biology, 125: 399-438.
Predator populations and the influence of crop type and preliminary impact of integrated farming systems.
Holland, J.M., Hewitt, M.V., & Drysdale, A.D. 1994. Aspects of Applied Biology, 40: 217-224.
Aspects of the Ecology of the European Woodcock Scolopax rusticola L.
Hoodless, A.N. 1994. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. University of Durham, Durham.
Woodcock Scolopax rusticola.
Hoodless, A.N. 1994. In: Birds in Europe: Their Conservation Status: 270-271. Birdlife Conservation Series No.3, Birdlife International, Cambridge.
The density and distribution of woodcock wintering in Cornwall, England.
Hoodless, A.N. 1994. In: Kalchreuter, H. (ed.) Proceedings of the Fourth European Woodcock and Snipe Workshop: 27-34. International Waterfowl & Wetlands Research Bureau, Slimbridge.
Survival rates and movements of British and Continental Woodcock Scolopax rusticola in the British Isles.
Hoodless, A.N. & Coulson, J.C. 1994. Bird Study, 41: 48-60.
Parasitic infections of birds.
Hudson, P.J. 1994. Parasitology Today, 10: 3-4.
The characteristics and impact of macroparasites on wild animal populations.
Hudson, P.J. & Dobson, A.P. 1994. In: Thompson, I.D. (ed.) Proceedings of the International Union of Game Biologists XXI Congress, Halifax, Nova Scotia: 56-63. Canadian Forest Service, Ontario, Canada.
Efecto de los plaguicidas sobre parasitoides de pulgones (Hymenoptera : Aphidiidae).
Izquierdo, J.I. & Longley, M. 1994. Phytoma España, 55: 34-41.
The effect of deltamethrin on the response of Aphidius rhopalosiphi (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) to honeydew in a filter paper bioassay.
Longley, M. 1994. In: Dedryver, C.A. (ed.) IOBC/WPRS (West Palearctic Regional Section) Working Group, Integrated Control in Cereal Crops: 48-56. Internatioanl Organisation for Biological Control, Montfavet.
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