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Beetle Banks - helping nature to control pests.
Sotherton, N.W. 1995. Pesticide Outlook, 6: 13-17.
Field margin strips in England.
Sotherton, N.W. 1995. In: Jörg, E. (ed.) Field Margin Strip Programmes. Proceedings of an EU Technical Seminar: 117-129. Landesanstalt für Pflanzenbaun und Pflanzenschultz, Mainz.
Premigratory diet of trans-Saharan migrant passerines in the Western Sahel.
Stoate, C. & Moreby, S.J. 1995. Bird Study, 42: 101-106.
The changing face of lowland farming and wildlife, Part 1 1845- 1945.
Stoate, C. 1995. British Wildlife, 6: 341-350.
The impact of field sports on Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus) populations.
Stoate, C. & Tapper, S.C. 1995. In: Pielowski, Z. (ed.) Proceedings of the International Hare Symposium, Czempin 1992: 285-291. Polish Hunting Association, Warsaw.
The impact of Desert Locust Schistocerca gregaria swarms on pre-migratory fattening of Whitethroats Sylvia communis in the western Sahel.
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The salmon. A new introduction.
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Density estimation for invertebrate predators in agroecosystems.
Sunderland, K.D., de Snoo, G.R., Dinter, A., Hance, T., Helenius, J., Jepson, P.C., Kromp, B., Lys, J.-A., Samu, F., Sotherton, N.W., Toft, S., & Ulber, B. 1995. Acta Jutlandica, 70: 133-162.
The status of the brown hare (Lepus europaeus) in Britain.
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Tapper, S.C. 1995. In: McKelvie, C. (ed.) The Hare: 8-27. The New Fur, Feather and Fin, The Signet Press, Lockerbie.
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