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The effect of cereal headland treatments on carabid communities.
Hawthorne, A.J. & Hassall, M. 1995. Acta Jutlandica, 70: 185-198.
Hill, D.A., Andrews, J., Sotherton, N.W. & Hawkins, J. 1995. In: Sutherland, W.J. & Hill, D.A. (eds) Managing Habitats for Conservation: 230-266. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Comparative toxic and sublethal effects of fluvalinate on two-spotted spider mite and European red mite.
Holland, J.M. & Chapman, R.B. 1995. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 19: 549-570.
Studies of Western Palearctic birds: Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola.
Hoodless, A.N. 1995. British Birds, 88: 578-592.
Saving snipe.
Hoodless, A.N. 1995. Enact, 3: 18-19.
Extrinsic factors influencing the population dynamics of Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus.
Hudson, P.J. & Dobson, A.P. 1995. In: Jenkins, D. (ed.) Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Grouse: 19-26. World Pheasant Association/Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica, Ozzana dell'Emilia.
A Manual of Red Grouse and Moorland Management.
Hudson, P.J. & Newborn, D. 1995. The Game Conservancy Trust, Fordingbridge.
Ecological trends and grouse management in upland Britain.
Hudson, P.J. 1995. In: Thompson, D.B.A., Hester, A.J. & Usher, M.B. (eds) Heaths and Moorlands: Cultural Landscapes: 282-293. HMSO (Her Majesty's Stationery Office), Edinburgh.
Persistence and transmission of tick-borne viruses: Ixodes ricinus and louping-ill virus in red grouse populations.
Hudson, P.J., Norman, R.A., Laurenson, M.K., Newborn, D., Gaunt, M., Jones, L.D., Reid, H.W., Gould, E.A., Bowers, R., & Dobson, A.P. 1995. Parasitology, 111: S49-S58.
The toxicity of dimethoate to predatory Coleoptera: developing an approach to risk analysis for broad-spectrum pesticides.
Jepson, P.C., Efe, E., & Wiles, J.A. 1995. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 28: 500-507.
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