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Effect of four therapeutic agents on Trichomonas phasiani carriage in pheasants.
Pennycott, T.W. 1996. Veterinary Record, 139: 214-215.
The effect of fertiliser and herbicide application on herbaceous field margin communities.
Perry, N.H., Chaney, K., Wilcox, A., & Boatman, N.D. 1996. Aspects of Applied Biology, 44: 339-344.
Potts, G.R. 1996. In: Watson, A.E.T. (ed.) The Partridge: 13-26. The New Fur, Feather & Fin Series, Signet Press, Lockerbie.
Of partridges.
Potts, G.R. 1996. British Birds, 89: 418-419.
Behaviour and parental care of Skylark Alauda arvensis chicks.
Poulsen, J.G. 1996. Ibis, 138: 525-531.
Orientation of skylark in field.
Poulsen, J.G. 1996. British Birds, 89: 235-236.
Dispersal of Bromus sterilis and Anthriscus sylvestris seed within arable field margins.
Rew, L.J., Froud-Williams, R.J., & Boatman, N.D. 1996. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 59: 107-114.
Control of mammalian predators in game management and conservation.
Reynolds, J.C. & Tapper, S.C. 1996. Mammal Review, 26: 127-156.
Does nesting cover limit abundance of ring-necked pheasants in North America?
Robertson, P.A. 1996. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 24: 98-106.
Naturalised introduced gamebirds in Britain.
Robertson, P.A. 1996. In: Holmes, J.S. & Simons, J.R. (eds) The Introduction and Naturalisation of Birds: 63-69. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London.
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