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The value of hedgerows to partridge populations
Huband, P. 1970. In: Hooper, M.D. & Holdgate, M.W. (eds) Hedges and Hedgerow Trees: 63-68. Monks Wood Symposium No. 4, 1968. Monks Wood Experimental Station, Huntingdon
Recent advantages in our knowledge and control of game-bird diseases.
Jones, M.B. 1970. In: Grenquist, P. (ed.) Transactions of the 8th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists: 259-264. International Union of Game Biologists, Helsinki.
Recent changes in the farmland fauna with special reference to the decline of the grey partridge.
Potts, G.R. 1970. Bird Study, 17: 145-166.
The effects of the use of herbicides in cereals on the feeding ecology of partridges.
Potts, G.R. 1970. In: Proceedings of the 10th British Weed Control Conference: 299-302. British Crop Protection Council, London.
Studies on the changing role of weeds of the genus Polygonum in the diet of the partridge Perdix perdix L.
Potts, G.R. 1970. Journal of Applied Ecology, 7: 567-576.
Treatment of established infections of candidasis in partridges with formic acid.
Wood, N.A. 1970. Veterinary Record, 87: 656-658.
Game in the Seventies.
Coles, C.L. 1968. Agriculture. Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture, 75: 136-140.
The Ecology of the Partridge I. Outline of the population processes with particular reference to chick mortality and nest density.
Blank, T.H., Southwood, T.R.E., & Cross, D.J. 1967. Journal of Animal Ecology, 36: 549-556.
Some mutations of the Partridge and Red-legged Partridge.
Ash, J.S. 1966. British Birds, 59: 15-22.
Some recent observations on the gapeworm (Syngamus trachea) in pheasants.
Sharpe, G.I. 1965. In: Blank, T.H. (ed.) Transactions of the 6th Congress of the International Union of Game Biologists: 37-48. The Nature Conservancy on behalf of the International Union of Game Biologists, London.
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