Partridge Perdix perdix.
Aebischer, N.J. & Potts, G.R.
1994. In: Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (eds) Birds in Europe: Their Conservation Status: 220-221. BirdLife Conservation No.3, BirdLife International, Cambridge.
Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa.
Aebischer, N.J. & Potts, G.R.
1994. In: Tucker, G.M. & Heath, M.F. (eds) Birds in Europe: Their Conservation Status: 214-215. BirdLife Conservation No.3, BirdLife International, Cambridge.
Analysing habitat use from radio-tracking data.
Dowell, S.D., Aebischer, N.J. & Robertson, P.A.
1993. In: Jenkins, D. (ed.) Pheasants in Asia 1992: 62-66. World Pheasant Association, Reading.
Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa.
Potts, G.R.
1993. In: Gibbons, D.W. (ed.) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991: 134-135. T. & A.D. Poyser, Calton.
Grey Partridge Perdix perdix.
Potts, G.R.
1993. In: Gibbons, D.W. (ed.) The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland 1988-1991: 136-137. T. & A.D. Poyser, Calton.
Manipulating pesticide use to increase the production of wild gamebirds in Britain.
Sotherton, N.W., Robertson, P.A. & Dowell, S.D.
1993. In: Church, K.E. & Dailey, T.V. (eds) Quail III: National Quail Symposium: 92-101. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, Pratt.
Effet de la limitation des prédateurs sur les populations de perdrix grise (Perdix perdix) et de lièvre d'Europe (Lepus europaeus).
Tapper, S.C., Brockless, M.H. & Potts, G.R.
1993. In: Migot, P. & Stahl, P. (eds) Actes du colloque: Prédation et Gestion des Prédateurs: 37-44. Office National de la Chasse UNFDC, Paris.
Perdix VI: First International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Francolins.
Birkan, M.G., Potts, G.R., Aebischer, N.J. & Dowell, S.D. (eds)
1992. Gibier Faune Sauvage, 9 (4). Office National de la Chasse, Paris.
A model of Gray Partridge (Perdix perdix) population dynamics in North Dakota.
Carroll, J.P.
1992. In: Birkan, M.G., Potts, G.R., Aebischer, N.J. & Dowell, S.D. (eds) Perdix VI: First International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Francolins; Gibier Faune Sauvage: 337-349. Office National de la Chasse, Paris.
Problems and pitfalls of gamebird reintroduction and restocking: an overview.
Dowell, S.D.
1992. In: Birkan, M.G., Aebischer, N.J., Potts, G.R. & Dowell, S.D. (eds) Perdix VI : Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Francolins; Gibier Faune Sauvage: 773-780. Office National de la Chasse, Paris.