Spring foraging behaviour and diet of released pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) in the United Kingdom.
Hoodless, A.N., Draycott, R.A.H., Ludiman, M.N. & Robertson, P.A.
2001. In: Birkan, M.G., Smith, L.M., Aebischer, N.J., Purroy, F.J. & Robertson, P.A. (eds) Proceedings of the Perdix VII International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Pheasants; Game and Wildlife Science: 375-386. Office National de la Chasse, Paris.
Survival and breeding success of two pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) strains released into the wild.
Sage, R.B., Robertson, P.A. & Wise, D.R.
2001. In: Birkan, M.G., Smith, L.M., Aebischer, N.J., Purroy, F.J. & Robertson, P.A. (eds) Proceedings of the Perdix VII International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Pheasants; Game and Wildlife Science: 331-340. Office National de la Chasse, Paris.
Comparative breeding success of wild and reared pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) in southern England.
Woodburn, M.I.A.
2001. In: Birkan, M.G., Smith, L.M., Aebischer, N.J., Purroy, F.J. & Robertson, P.A. (eds) Proceedings of the Perdix VII International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Pheasants, 9-13 Oct. 1995, Dourdan, France; Game and Wildlife Science: 319-329. Office National de la Chasse, Paris.
From science to recovery: four case studies of how research has been translated into conservation action in the UK.
Aebischer, N.J., Green, R.E. & Evans, A.D.
2000. In: Aebischer, N.J., Evans, A.D., Grice, P.V. & Vickery, J.A. (eds) Ecology and Conservation of Lowland Farmland Birds: 43-54. British Ornithologists' Union, Tring.
Estimating brood production and chick survival rates of grey partridges: an evaluaton.
Aebischer, N.J. & Reitz, F.
2000. In: Faragó, S. (ed.) Perdix VIII. Proceedings of an International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Pheasants in the Western Palearctic and Nearctic; Hungarian Small Game Bulletin: 191-210. Department of Game Management & Fishery Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development, Budapest.
Factors affecting the distribution of Red-legged Partridges Alectoris rufa in an agricultural landscape of southern Portugal.
Borralho, R., Stoate, C., & Araújo, M.
2000. Bird Study, 47: 304-310.
Flight characteristics of three strains of hand-reared common pheasants.
Carroll, J.P. & Papeschi, A.
2000. In: Faragó, S. (ed.) Perdix VIII Proceedings of an International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Pheasants in the Western Palearctic and Nearctic; Hungarian Small Game Bulletin: 83-94. Department of Game Management & Fishery Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development, Budapest.
Response of pheasants to predator calls: measuring 'wildness' and strain effects.
Carroll, J.P. & Hollins, K.
2000. In: Faragó, S. (ed.) Perdix VIII Proceedings of an International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Pheasants in the Western Palearctic and Nearctic; Hungarian Small Game Bulletin: 63-70. Department of Game Management & Fishery Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development Board, Budapest.
Spring diet of ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) in the UK: Implications for the body condition of nesting hens.
Draycott, R.A.H., Butler, D.A. & Carroll, J.P.
2000. In: Faragó, S. (ed.) Perdix VIII: Proceedings of an International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Pheasants in the Western Palearctic and Nearctic; Hungarian Small Game Bulletin: 29-38. Department of Game Management & Fishery Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development, Budapest.
Partridges in Hungary 1922-1933.
Potts, G.R. & Faragó, S.
2000. In: Faragó, S. (ed.) Perdix VIII Proceedings of an International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Pheasants in the Western Palearctic and Nearctic; Hungarian Small Game Bulletin: 267-290. Department of Game Management & Fishery Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development, Budapest.