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Using satellite imagery to aid the implementation of a recovery plan for a declining farmland bird.
Kingdon, N.G. & Darling, E.A.D. 2002. In: Chamberlain, D.E. & Wilson, A. (eds) Avian Landscape Ecology: Pure and Applied issues in the Large-Scale Ecology of Birds: 313-317. International Association for Landscape Ecology (UK).
The estimation of density dependence using census data from several sites.
Langton, S.D., Aebischer, N.J., & Robertson, P.A. 2002. Oecologia, 133: 466-473.
Upland habitat use by Pyrenean grey partridges Perdix perdix hispaniensis during the breeding season.
Novoa, C., Aebischer, N.J., & Landry, P. 2002. Wildlife Biology, 8: 99-108.
Grey Partridge Perdix perdix.
Potts, G.R. 2002. In: Wernham, C., Toms, M., Marchant, J.H., Clark, J., Siriwardena, G. & Baillie, S.R. (eds) The Migration Atlas: Movements of the Birds of Britain and Ireland: 259-260. T. & A.D. Poyser, London.
Arable farming: The options for game and wildlife.
Potts, G.R. 2002. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 163: 72-82.
The effect of an experimental infection of the nematode Heterakis gallinarum on hand-reared grey partridges Perdix perdix.
Sage, R.B., Woodburn, M.I.A., Davis, C., & Aebischer, N.J. 2002. Parasitology, 124: 529-535.
Food requirements of grey partridge Perdix perdix chicks.
Southwood, T.R.E. & Cross, D.J. 2002. Wildlife Biology, 8: 175-183.
Parasite-mediated competition among red-legged partridges and other lowland gamebirds.
Tompkins, D.M., Parish, D.M.B., & Hudson, P.J. 2002. Journal of Wildlife Management, 66: 445-450.
Proceedings of the Perdix VII International Symposium on Partridges, Quails and Pheasants, 9-13 Oct., 1995, Dourdan, France.
Birkan, M.G., Smith, L.M., Aebischer, N.J., Purroy, F.J. & Robertson, P.A. (eds) 2001. Game and Wildlife Science, 18 (3-4). Office National de la Chasse, Paris.
Protecting field edges and boundaries from pesticides: the benefits for farmland wildlife.
Holland, J.M. 2001. In: Forster, R. & Streloke, M. (eds) Workshop on Risk Assessment and Risk Mitigation Measures (WORMM): 73-81.
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