ICES 2019 Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon (WGNAS)
Ahlbeck-Bergendahl, I., April, J., Bardarson, H., Bolstad, G.H., Bradbury, I., Buoro, M., Chaput, G., Dauphin, G., Ensing, D., Erkinaro, J., Fiske, P., Freese, M., Gillson, J., Gregory, S.D., Hanson, N., Kelly, N., Maxwell, H., Meerburg, D., Millane, M., Nygaard, R., Olmos, M., Ounsley, J., Prusov, S., Rivot, E., Robertson, M., Russell, I.C., Sheehan, T., Rong Utne, K., Walker, A., & Wennevik, V.
2019. ICES Scientific Reports 16. ICES International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Bergen, Norway.
The potential of different semi-natural habitats to sustain pollinators and natural enemies in European agricultural landscapes
Bartual, A.M., Sutter, L., Bocci, G., Moonen, A.-C., Cresswell, J., Entling, M., Giffard, B., Jacot, K., Jeanneret, P., Holland, J., Pfister, S., Pintér, O., Veromann, e., Winkler, K., & Albrecht, M.
2019. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 279: 43-52.