Hampshire habitats. How habitat change may affect bird populations

Author Thompson, P.
Citation Thompson, P. (2015). Hampshire habitats. How habitat change may affect bird populations. In: Eyre, J. (ed.) Hampshire Bird Atlas 2007-2012: 16-43. Hampshire Ornithological Society, Wickham.


This, Hampshire's second bird atlas, clearly shows that some relative newcomers, such as Little Egret, Cetti's Warbler and Firecrest, are faring extremely well in the county, while others - both long term residents such as Willow Tit and Corn Bunting, and migrants such as Turtle Dove and Yellow Wagtail - are in real trouble. Of course the populations of many species have remained relatively stable over the two decades since the previous atlas.  However, for any species it is important for ornithologists to understand what causes their numbers to change.  Hopefully this chapter will help to shed some light onto why the populations of Hampshire's birds are performing in the way that they are.