Sustainable farming systems: integrating research with educational strategies and government policy.

Author Sotherton, N.W. & Parish, D.M.B.
Citation Sotherton, N.W. & Parish, D.M.B. (2011). Sustainable farming systems: integrating research with educational strategies and government policy. Aspects of Applied Biology, 109: 93-100.


The development of sustainable farming systems will need a strong input from the science community. New farming systems and the mitigation needed to address problems caused by previous ones will have to be created from experimental research. To have an influence, the research community will have to do better and regard policy makers as clients of their applied research. Successful and less successful examples of this dialogue will be described.
With the next round of CAP Reform imminent, we outline in more detail the role that researchers will need to take to deliver Agri-environment Schemes that work and are good value for public money. However, the demise of applied science training is highlighted as a possible impediment to progress.