Ecological and agricultural benefits of linear grassland features within arable systems.

Author Stoate, C. & Boatman, N.D.
Citation Stoate, C. & Boatman, N.D. (2002). Ecological and agricultural benefits of linear grassland features within arable systems. In: Conservation Pays? Reconciling Environmental Benefits with Profitable Grassland Systems: 191-194. Proceedings of the joint British Grassland Society/BES Conference 2002, Occasional Symposium No. 36, British Ecological Society, London.


Perennial grassland in arable field boundaries has been lost on most farms as a result of herbicide and fertilizer misplacement. However, this grassland habitat can have considerable ecological and agricultural benefits. Perennial grass strips have been established as field edge and mid-field habitats on arable farmland at Loddington (Leicestershire). Our research shows that these habitats are used by a range of bird, mammal and invertebrate species, contribute to the suppression of crop pests, and minimise the presence of arable weeds in field boundaries.