Effects of age, cohort and individual on breeding performance in the Lapwing Vanellus vanellus.

Author Parish, D.M.B., Thompson, P.S., & Coulson, J.C.
Citation Parish, D.M.B., Thompson, P.S., & Coulson, J.C. (2001). Effects of age, cohort and individual on breeding performance in the Lapwing Vanellus vanellus. Ibis, 143: 288-295.


The breeding performance of individually colour-ringed Lapwings Vanellus vanellus was studied on marginal grassland in Upper Teesdale, County Durham (UK), from 1992 to 1995. Contrary to many studies of birds, female age had only a minor effect on breeding performance: yearling females produced eggs on average 5% smaller than those of adults. In contrast, the average productivity of male Lapwings was estimated to increase by around 40% between one and two years of age, and by a further 10% between two and three years of age. This was because of a 40% increase in the proportion of males that bred between one and two years of age, and of an increase in mating success with age coupled with a higher breeding success for polygynous males. The likelihood of breeding for male Lapwings was affected by year of hatching. More than half of those males that hatched in 1990, and which were present in both 1993 and 1994, did not breed. It was suggested that this was due to environmental effects experienced by these males as chicks, resulting in reduced success in securing a breeding territory later in life. Individual female Lapwings showed a high degree of consistency between years in both laying date and egg size, and those that raised up to two young in 1993 raised approximately the same number in 1994. However, females producing more than two young in 1993 raised significantly fewer in 1994, perhaps suggesting a cost of reproduction.