Criteria for aging pheasant embryos.
Fant, R.J. 1957. Journal of Wildlife Management, 21: 324-328.
On the movements and survival of Woodpigeons and Stock Doves.
Ash, J.S., Ridley, M.W., & Ridley, N. 1956. British Birds, 49: 298-305.
Game management.
Ash, J.S. 1956. In: Hutson, H.P.W. (ed.) The Ornithologists' Guide Especially for Overseas: 139-142. British Ornithologists' Union, Tring.
Aquatic Warbler in Dorset
Ash, J.S. 1956. British Birds, 49: 85.
Mimetic posturing of Red-backed Shrikes
Ash, J.S. 1956. British Birds, 49: 178-180.
Siberian Chiffchaff in Dorset
Ash, J.S. 1956. British Birds, 49: 182-183.
Female Pied Wheatear: the problem of identification
Ash, J.S. 1956. British Birds, 49: 317-322.
Marker for game birds.
Blank, T.H. & Ash, J.S. 1956. Journal of Wildlife Management, 20: 328-330.
The concept of territory in the partridge Perdix perdix p.perdix.
Blank, T.H. & Ash, J.S. 1956. Ibis, 98: 379-389.
Eine übersicht über fasanenzuchtmethoden in Großbritannien.
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