The food of partridge chicks (Perdix perdix) in Great Britain.
The work on which this paper is based forms part of a research into the ecology of game birds carried on by the Bureau of Animal Population. This research has been financed by a grant from Imperial Chemical Industries and by the donations of landowners and shooting men. We wish to thank all those who have helped in this way, and also by sending us specimens for examination.
We are indebted to E. Arthurs, Department of Botany, Oxford, for identification of some of the seeds; to E. W. Aubrook, Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford, who identified the Coleoptera; and to Dr K. G. Blair of the British Museum (Natural History) for a note on the Phytonomus larvae. We have also to thank Prof. G. D. Hale Carpenter who allowed us the facilities of the Hope Department of Entomology at Oxford for the entomological work.