Experimental studies on the transmission of gapeworm (Syngamus trachea) by earthworms.
Clapham, P.A. 1934. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 115: 18-29.
Some observations on the response of chickens to infestation with Heterakis gallinae.
Clapham, P.A. 1934. Journal of Helminthology, XII: 71-78.
Some observations on the effect of dietary deficiency on infestation of chickens with the nematode Heterakis gallinae.
Clapham, P.A. 1934. Journal of Helminthology, XII: 123-126.
Fluctuations in British game populations.
Middleton, A.D. 1934. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Ornithological Congress: 568-569. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Periodic fluctuations in British game populations.
Middleton, A.D. 1934. Journal of Animal Ecology, 3: 231-249.
Some observations on gape-worm in poultry and game birds.
Morgan, D.O., & Clapham, P.A. 1934. Journal of Helminthology, 12: 63-70.