We are a leading UK charity conducting conservation science to enhance the British countryside for public benefit. For over 80 years we have been researching and developing game and wildlife management techniques. We use our research to provide training and advice on how best to improve the biodiversity of the countryside:
- We use science to promote game and wildlife management as an essential part of nature conservation.
- We develop scientifically researched game and wildlife management techniques.
- We promote our work to conservationists, including farmers and landowners, and offer an on-site advisory service on all aspects of game and wildlife management, so that Britain’s countryside and its wildlife are enhanced for the public benefit.
- We influence government policy with sound science that creates progressive and effective policies.
- We support best practice for field sports that contribute to improving the biodiversity of the countryside.
Our commitment
In doing this work, our organisation has an impact on the environment, so we are committed to:
- Protecting the environment by minimising the impact of our significant activities, through our Environmental Policy (EP).
- Meeting or exceeding all environmental legal requirements and approved codes of practice.
- Continually improving our environmental performance by developing new strategies within our EP.
- Raising awareness of the need for action on the environment through inspiring and encouraging our members and supporters.
Management commitment
This policy is endorsed by our senior management team. Responsibility for this policy lies with the Chief Executive. Senior management will review our EP and consider and develop opportunities for continual improvement at least annually. GWCT departments are responsible for day-to-day management of the EP.
Environmental protection
We will take all practical measures to:
- Prevent or minimise pollution.
- Minimise our business travel and use the most sustainable means.
- Minimise waste production and maximise the reuse and recycling of materials.
- Ensure our use of natural resources is sustainable, including energy and water.
- Minimise the environmental impact of the events we hold by considering the above commitments and implementing our environmental events guidelines.
Managing our environmental impacts
We will keep the following under regular review: business travel, energy and water usage, waste and recycling, and timber and paper purchases.
This environmental policy is available to all interested parties via our website. We will communicate this policy, our environmental performance and other relevant environmental information to our staff. We will consider staff suggestions to improve environmental performance and implement these where practicable.