All-Party Parliamentary Group on Game and Wildlife Conservation

Following the General Election this APPG ceases to exist and cannot conduct any business until an Inaugural Meeting. The GWCT plans to re-register this APPG in the new parliament. A closing income and expenditure statement for the APPG during the last parliament can be found here.

Alastair Leake addressing conferenceThe first APPG was held in December 2010 when, in partnership with the CLA, we presented “Common-sense Conservation” at Westminster. The APPGs are valuable in that they are a forum that allows us regular direct access to politicians.

Held at Westminster about three times a year, MPs from all parties and members of the House of Lords are invited to meet us, often supported by other industry and media representatives, for discussions and presentations aimed at helping them navigate some topical and sometimes controversial rural subjects. Their opinion and influence in Parliament and into policy can therefore be driven by science. It is also an opportunity to deliver our latest research findings and inform them of current projects.

Our formal purpose is defined and agreed as:

“To provide a forum for discussion of science-based wildlife conservation policies in the countryside.”

The GWCT provides the secretariat for the group (to contact us please email and the officers of the APPG are elected on an annual basis.

Next meeting

  • TBC

Previous meetings (current parliament)

Meetings in previous parliaments

This is not an official website of the House of Commons or the House of Lords. It has not been approved by either house or its committees. All-party parliamentary groups are informal groups of members of both houses with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed in these webpages are those of the group.