This year is the first face-to-face game conference since 2019 and presents a fantastic opportunity for game managers to catch up and keep up-to-date with the latest developments, research and advice for lowland game shoots.
The day runs from 9.30am to 3.30pm and lunch is provided. You can download the programme here.
09:00: Coffee and registration
09.20: Welcome/introduction - Matt Goodall, GWCT
09.30: The GWCT’s National Gamebag Census: Past, present and future - Dr Julie Ewald, GWCT
10:00: Best Practice with Proof - Nick Hesford, GWCT
10.30: Regulations for Releasing Game in Wales - Matt Goodall, GWCT
11:00: Break
11:30: Aim to Sustain - Spike Butcher
12.00: A specialist game bird vet’s perspective on Avian Flu - Ian Jones, Hafren Veterinary Group
12.30: A game keepers perspective on Avian Flu and prospects for 2023/24 - Tim Weston
13.00: Lunch
14.00: GWCT research with focus on fox - Rufus Sage, GWCT
14.30: Fox Phd - Nathan Williams, GWCT
15.00: Courses and Training - Matt Goodall, GWCT
15.15: Summing up - Dr Roger Draycott, GWCT
15:30: Finish
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