How did the removal of grouse moor management in Berwyn SPA affect other birds?
Dispersal and mortality of red grouse in northern England
Red grouse and climate change
Strongyle infection rates
Treatment of strongylosis
Parasites and red grouse
Controlling louping ill
Grouse moor survey
An economic study of Scottish grouse moors
Hen harriers and grouse
Does treating sheep for ticks reduce red grouse tick burdens?
Which red grouse life stages have the largest impact on grouse population change?
How does an increase in heather cover affect the red grouse population?
The effect of sheep grazing on heather cover and red grouse numbers
Do fluctuations in field vole abundance indirectly influence red grouse?
Can complex long-term data help to identify what influences red grouse numbers?
Download our essential FREE 6-page guide on conservation and grouse moors, extracted from the pages of our bestselling book The Moorland Balance.
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