It is widely accepted that a global decline has occurred in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) populations. This is reflected in both rod catch data and salmon counter data.
On the River Frome in Dorset the total number of adult salmon returning to spawn has been monitored since 1973 by a fish counter at East Stoke. These long-term records represent the most comprehensive record of salmon movement in England and Wales.
The data quantifies the number and run characteristics of the salmon migration in the Frome, has highlighted the decline in numbers that has occurred since 1991 and will enable future monitoring of any recovery or the impact of mitigating measures.
Data on migrating smolts has been collected since 1995. The data from the adult salmon counter, together with the data on smolt numbers and migration, will facilitate the estimate of both marine and freshwater mortality, allow assessment of spawning target compliance and allow informed stock management and conservation measures of both the river Frome salmon stock and, by extrapolation, aid the management of other salmon stocks in other comparable rivers.